Tuesday, May 27, 2008


After finishing the last paper (computing principle), feeling so high. Fortunately finished the revision papers with frenz the day bfore, haha, teamwork~ That really save many people. So we go The Curve to celebrate. So hungry at KIM GARY, and finally our food arrived.

韩式石头鳗鱼饭 + milo ice + 罗宋汤
That stone really hot till can cook an egg. It is delicious actually, but something wrong with me. When i finish the food half way, I felt like vomiting n this time is the worst. My frenz even thought I cry... At last, I cant finish the food. Sad... What's wrong with me???!
And the most important things is >> sing k in redbox~~ Long time din go out with a gang of frenz dy. So quite high from the begining of the journey. The next break will be after final exam, so珍惜...

Edwin, Yin Hong, Carmen and Phik Tee~

Me, Yi Fen, Rex, Edwin

Yin Hong, Carmen and Phik Tee

[Scary pictures]

Frightened Chloe~

Frightened Yin Hong~
This both frightened de pic is taken bfore computing tutorial starts.
Sometimes I wish the 1st semester dun end so fast. This is really a nice group of frenz.


xr said...

omg...what is wrong with u?
got gas in stomach?~xr

HaOZh3 said...

happy frens happy days..
but.. so nice de food..
u diet ar?

Lost Heart~ said...

dunno got wat bing4... but in in progress of recovery~ haha~ I want to go to beach!!