Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Diary ● Yesterday

刚从SUNWAY回来,虽然已经是昨天的事了。跟一班刚认识不久的同学一起... 一些都很美好,除了那个scream park,有被骗的感觉。钱啊~不过第一次去sunway theme park玩,感觉还不错。第一站就进鬼屋,真得很刺激。被吓得一身汗出来...旋转360度... 旋转茶杯~lol 好像是小孩子的游戏~到sunway前迷路、下错站,简直就是热身啊~可惜没能玩水... 只好等下次去玩。很可爱的一班同学~只可惜没什么东西能作纪念,只有照片一张...我会考虑放上来的~哈哈
很多功课要做啊~也有考试... 要加油了。

愚蠢的我...今天的心情真是两极化。前阵子还沮丧到最低点;下一秒又恢复该有的心情... 幸好出去了一下。


Please ◆ forget

发现自己迷失 在最熟悉的国度
从前 低落 泪水 参杂
现在 不一样了 每天都酱high
有时真得很想哭 泪水却...
躺在床上 想着想着 却流泪

mabe it's juz bcoz I am always running behind
trying to catch up
trying to be acknowledged

总是低潮 让身边的人都很痛苦 谢了
但现在 不是每天都开心地度过吗? 怎么又错了
怎么少了些什么 变了
太多愁善感 不好
太不感性 不好
怎么走到哪 都与人潮相反
看着狗狗表演的video clip 毫无预警的哭了
是video clip太感动了? 不可能
太多参杂的情感 在寻找出口
所以 一逮到机会 安静 宣泄
心 好沉重 也好轻

I am trying to... really
I just need some time

come back?or totally change?

every night I find it's so hard to sleep
and these feelings run deep
I try to hide
all these feelings
I keep them battled inside
I don't know what else to do
so I cry and nobody hears me
I cry, it's my only solution
I cry, to all this confusion
I cry, with all of my heart
I cry…

Friday, April 18, 2008


想不透 其实一个人也很自在
心情轻得与蒲公英一样 用心聆听大地的呼唤
但 也有无法治愈的伤
懂了 爱原来如此简单 也如此心痛

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Diary ● For TodaY

2008年4月12日 雨

今天突然很兴奋的去开以前找到的blog,想听听那首很可爱的歌。但是,作者竟然改掉了他部落格的风格!开始时还以为自己开错了。以前是黑色格调,再加上很特别的歌(大概是lollipop吧);现在已经变成五颜六色的部落格了。这是我才惊觉原来作者是个女的。有点小失望... 突然想念起她从前的部落格... 好可惜.. 但应该变不回来了吧~

不知道作者会不会... 偶尔... 想念起她从前的那个格调呢?

Friday, April 11, 2008

My Daily Lif3

What is the most important thing everyday? Yeah, it's food. Hmm... I mean that is a vital for living things. Although I lose my appetite these days, I have to eat especially when I have classes. BUT, that is too expensive!!
1 fish & chips, 1 glass of milk, 1 glass of 7-up, and a slice of cheese cake will cost you RM34.25 in Secret Recipe. OMG, this is the most expensive lunch, or breakfast I had have. And the lesson I had learned is → don't ever go to secret recipe again~ Btw, the cheese cake is really nice. you can try it the next time.

College life is interesting. Well, mayb, I think so, although this is just my 4th week. Nice lecturers, nice frenz, nice environment, nice air-con... Anyway, there is always a black sheep among the people around you. That day v got a group work, 4 in a group. All of us have to think of 2 sentences. And wat happen was my little "frenz" came the nex day with an empty hand. We suppose to present it in class that day! Damn good! 3 of us almost kill her, but v hold ourselves and try to think of the sentences with our empty and blank minds. Fortunately at the end, we don't need to present it. Do nothing and even ask for more from others. Don't ever work with someone like her. Be glad if you never meet someone like tat, coz you may wanna kill him or her.